Patriot Engineering Team - Global Innovations Page
Disco Library
United States
Team Name:
Team Description:
The Patriot Engineering Team consists of students from George H.W. Bush Elementary School in Addison, Texas. Team members participate in area STEM events and activities, including FIRST Lego League.
Invention Description (for public view):
Disco Library is a collection and archive of video instructional materials. Video is obtained and recorded onto a DVD, and archived much like books are categorized in a library. The video instructions, or lessons, can be viewed, utilizing both audio and visual instruction. By using video, demonstrations can be quickly provided, reducing the amount of study time necessary to accomplish learning. As a picture is worth a thousand words, video can be worth many hours of study time. Patriot Engineering Team hopes that their growing video collection, can be used by students to quickly understand tasks and topics, that might otherwise take hours of study time.
Team Website: